With the Chicago Tribune, you'll have everything you need to stay informed

With the Chicago Tribune, you'll have everything you need to stay informed
Graphics update, Well the Tribune finally has photos. They're kind of nice to have even if they make the file 5-10 times bigger (a hassle if you're in a war zone with crappy internet access). The thing is, since they now include graphics for the news stories there really isn't any reason not to include comics as well. I can get the Tribune online for the same price with the comics included, but the file is 5-10 times even larger than it is now. Again, only a problem where I'm at but even when I'm home I don't carry a laptop with me everywhere as I can and do with the Kindle.

For those who are wondering why I'm going on about the comics, look, the paper edition home delivery is the same price (approximately) as the online and Kindle editions. If you're not going to include certain features on the Kindle edition you should make the price much cheaper. I don't read the paper just for the comics, but if I'm going to pay for them I'd certainly like to have them available. And now there is no reason not to include them! review By Robert Thornburgh

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