find out what's happening in the City of Brotherly Love

find out what's happening in the City of Brotherly Love
Best Newspaper, I decided to type this review up because there are plenty for the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, but not enough for the newspapers from smaller markets. I'm giving the Philadelphia Inquirer five stars not because it is perfect, but because it is better than all the other papers I've downloaded, all of the bestsellers included. In other words, I'm grading on a curve. There are some kindle related navigation issues which could be improved, but that is probably more of a factor of the kindle or the kindle's development software itself and less of a problem with the paper as explained below.

The Kindle version of the Philadelphia Inquirer, in my opinion, is formatted better than either of the two mentioned above and the content is as good as or better than the NYT. There are more pictures in the Inquirer as opposed to the NYT which, even given the Kindles graphical limitations, give the stories extra "pop".

I don't much care for the local content of either the NYT or the PI, since I'm not a local in either of these metropolitan areas, but for when I want to read a newspaper on my Kindle I will choose the PI over the NYT until a version of my local Miami Herald becomes available.

For local news, I'll have to resort to the Orlando Sentinel for now, even though the Kindle version's organization and formatting leaves much to be desired; that paper wouldn't get more than a two-three star rating from me, but that's another review altogether.

As a final point, all Kindle newspapers I've downloaded have a clunky feel to the navigation of stories: Articles list, Sections list, Front page and Location. The articles list takes forever to page through because it shows the headline, author and a few sentences from the article. The Sections list doesn't let you page through every article, just the ones in that section. The "Go to Location" is completely useless since I still haven't figured out how the numbers work. It would be nice if there was a "headlines only" list so you could see a longer list of stories to choose from, the Articles list mentioned above only holds two or three stories per page so I'm constantly paging forward and back to get to the stories that interest me.

As a conclusion, let me just state that I find the Philadelphia Inquirer to offer the best combination of readability and content of the papers available for Kindle. But don't just take my word for it; buy a single issue to try it out, these kindle single issue prices are inexpensive enough that you can try multiple papers before you decide on a regular! review By C. Solares

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